Blog Series: Getting started on gender+ and intersectionality in project design, Part 3


by Patrick Regan and Raphaela Van Oers

Our two previous blog posts have hopefully provided a concise introduction to the important definitions, theories, and approaches surrounding gender and intersectionality. Our final post, the last in our series, is our step-by-step guide to integrating gender+ and intersectionality in project design.

The guide consists of clear and comprehensible steps that can be incorporated into your organisation’s next, or even existing, projects and programmes. Our steps draw on some of the existing tools from the resources included in the literature review, as well as our own expertise and approaches to gender and intersectionality.

Our resource outlines in detail 14 key steps:

  1. Establishing a ‘do no harm’ framework

  2. Form a working group

  3. Check existing organisational approaches

  4. Bias reflection

  5. Identify and articulate the project scope

  6. Establish the research and analysis framework and conduct the research

  7. Mapping the stakeholders

  8. Bias Reflection (again!)

  9. Design or adapt your project based on the gender+ analysis findings

  10. Do a gender responsiveness sense check

  11. Consider operational factors

  12. Planning for listening and stakeholder accountability

  13. Conduct another sense check

  14. Develop a MEL Plan

Step-by-step Guide to Gender Mainstreaming

Click to Download The Resource


Blog Series: Getting started on gender+ and intersectionality in project design, Part 2