Do you need support with evaluation, fundraising, reporting or strategy?
We take a flexible and tailored approach to supporting your work, with an approach rooted in human rights values. We have a track record in working with organisations of different sizes, focus areas and strategies, helping to find a way to promote evidence based learning in a way that works for you and your budget.
what we offer
We run a strategy service in partnership with Tina Puryear.
We’ve seen that the strongest and most effective programming happens when the perspectives of affected communities are part of all phases of an organisation’s operations. Too often these voices aren’t heard at the key moment of developing organisational strategies or in programme design.
Our experiences, skills and process will help you to strengthen participation in strategic planning, promote co-ownership of your strategy across your staff, and ensure you have a strategy and programme plan which can meaningfully guide, but not restrict, your work.
We can provide an outside perspective and help facilitate strategic reviews, reflections and strategy/programme design processes.
Interested in a longer-term approach to learning? We can help to ensure your M&E systems are working, implemented and contribute to continuous learning through facilitated reflection, data analysis and M&E insights through embedded partnerships.
We have developed tailored and unique M&E frameworks and theories of change for a range of organisations – helping them to articulate their intended impacts, identify clear routes to achieving their goals, ways to measure their work, and processes and practices to promote learning.
We can help you to collaboratively design projects, develop proposals, and support donor reporting. We have a successful track record of securing six figure grants EU, USDRL and trusts and foundations, drawing on years of experience of project management, project design and project evaluation.
What to engage in a quick and research-informed reflection to review, sense check or explore outcomes and learnings from a project? We can support you to conduct quick, cost-effective and collaborative review and reflection exercises.
We have conducted dozens of project and organisational evaluations – helping to identify ways to improve future projects, identifying impacts of your work, and supporting internal and external accountability.
Approach and Methods
We know social change and human rights programmes can be difficult to plan and evaluate. We specialise in measuring impact and outcomes in complex environments and helping you to think through your strategies to achieve complex goals. We take a creative and flexible approach whilst maintaining rigorous and robust research and evidence standards to meet your strategy and evaluation needs. Our approaches and methods revolve around:
Enhancing participation, collaboration and dialogue
Focusing holistically on outcomes, learning and problem solving
Being complexity aware
We have practical experience of using a variety of methods, ranging from surveys, interviews and focus groups, to outcomes harvesting and process tracing, as well as participatory research.
Themes we have worked on
Litigation, Advocacy, & Campaigning
Minority Rights, Gender Mainstreaming and Social Justice
Freedom of Expression, Digital Rights, and Access to Information
Rights in Conflict and under Authoritarian Governments
Democracy, Rule of Law and Access to Justice
Right to Housing, Income and other Social, Economic and Cultural Rights
Grant-making & Network Building